Restrictive safety settings by Windows
You have to allow the access to some specific ports and programs of the Windows Firewall to run the online-functions of the M1plus.
Consult Windows Help and Support or your local network service provider on the Windows Firewall.
The FTP access to the KnitLAN directories (D:\Stoll\M1plus\KnitLAN\Bootfiles and Mc-ReadWrite) must be open to run the online connection to OKC machines.
Allow Stoll FTP-Service as exception (firewall setting).
You will find the Stoll FTP-Service under the installation path of the M1plus.
(e.g. C:\Program Files\Stoll\M1plus\Shared Binaries\ftpservice.exe) -
Network Share for machines previous to ST468 (with Windows 95):
Starting with Windows 10, the operation system does not allow the access to shared directories for machines previous to ST468.
Install the shared directories on another computer(Windows 2000 or XP).