Prepare the Color Sequence
Create a new row with two sub-rows in the Knitting Ranges table.Create a new row with three sub-rows in the Knitting Ranges table.
One sub-row for each colored stripe.
- In the Parameter ribbon select the symbol.
- The Knitting Ranges tool window appears.
- Enter the text Colored Stripes in the Description column of the first row.
- Open the context menu for the row number.
- Select .
- A sub-row appears.
- Go to the sub-row.
- Enter the text Stripe 1 in the Description column.
- Select the 3 yarn color in the column.
- Do not select a needle action in the Filling Element column.
- The default filling element of the pattern (Stitch v, with transfer) will be used.
- Activate the check box in the Round to Courses column.
- Select the Stripe Height formula in the column.
- [Stripe Height] = [Length]/20
Therefore, the height of this stripe is 1/20 of the body height.
- Select the stitch density prepared for the stripe in the column.
- Go to the main row.
- Open the context menu for the row number.
- Select .
- A second sub-row appears.
- Go to the new sub-row.
- Enter the text Stripe 2 in the Description column.
- Select the 4 yarn color in the column.
- Do not select a needle action in the Filling Element column.
- The default filling element of the pattern (Stitch v, with transfer) will be used.
- Activate the check box in the Round to Courses column.
- Select the Stripe Height formula in the column.
- [Stripe Height] = [Length]/20
Therefore, the height of this stripe is 1/20 of the body height.
- Select the stitch density prepared for the stripe in the column.
- Go to the main row.
- Enter 20 as repetition value for the entire stripe area in the Quantity column.
Value of repetitions should be as big as it is necessary in order to extend the colored stripe area in both directions even over the longest fabric piece.
Description |
Filling Element |
Round to Courses |
Quantity |
| |
Colored Stripe |
6 |
| |
Stripe 1 |
[Stripe Height] |
Stripe | ||
Stripe 2 |
[Stripe Height] |
Stripe |
Additional Information