How to Insert Markings for Buttons

How to Proceed:

  • e.g. Slipover as Cardigan
  • Button Tape at the Left with Markings for Buttons
  • Button Tape at the Right with Markings for button holes
  1. Create two new dimensions.
    Quantity of Buttons
    This value serves to calculate the distance of buttons
    Distance of First Button Above Waistband
  1. Create new formulas.
    Horizontal Distance of Buttons
    Vertical Distance of Buttons
  1. Insert marking points.
    e.g. 6 points, as specified in the Quantity of Buttons measure.
  1. Position the marking points graphically.
    Marking points should form a line before you put the dimensionings.
  1. Insert the horizontal dimensioning for the first button starting from the left.
    + Distance of First Button Above Waistband
  1. Insert the horizontal dimensioning from the first button to the second.
    + Horizontal Distance of Buttons
  1. Copy the dimensioning and paste it between the next buttons.
    Double-click to add the copied dimensioning four times.
  1. Insert vertical dimensioning for the first button starting with the button on the lower left.
    + Vertical Distance of Buttons
  1. Copy the dimensioning and paste it to the next buttons.
    Double-click to add the copied dimensioning five times.
  1. Run the Properties function in the context menu of the marking point.
  1. Select a Knitting Element as marking.

    The inserting direction does not matter in this case.
  1. Confirm the dialog box with .
  1. Transfer the new property to the next marking points.
    Property Painter
    How to Define and Transfer Properties of Marking Points
  1. Copy the single shape and paste it.
    Duplicate function in the context menu of the edit field.
  1. Delete the Button Tape and Collar at the Right single shape.
  1. Mirror the single shape.
    Flip Vertically function in the context menu of the edit field.
  1. Rename the single shape.
    Button Tape and Collar at the Left Copy to Button Tape and Collar at the Right
  • Markings with the desired distance are entered in both button tapes.
  • The distances can be modified commonly and can be graded.

 Possible Following Steps:

  1. Add or remove further buttons for special sizes.
    Further measures or formulas may get necessary.
  1. Replace the markings for button holes (button tape at the right) by separation symbols in the pattern (M1plus).