What's new in CREATE PLUS?
Release V2.8 09/2024
File Version: 16 (V2.8)
Compatible with:
- EKC 3.1
- CKC 2.1
- OKC 6.6
Shape Edges and Shape Markings Docked to the Pattern
The Shape Edges and Shape Markings tool windows are always docked to document window of the pattern.
View options of the tool windows:
- Fold or unfold at the edge
- Pull to an edge
- Unpin from edge and position it as desired
- Open it with the O key at the desired cursor position at the corresponding shape edge or shape marking entry within the pattern
You call-up both the tool windows as well in the context menu of the pattern and in the Start ribbon / Tool Windows ribbon group.
Replace Exceeding Modules
Settings in Configuration dialog box / Shape Data tab
You make the following settings on the Shape Data tab:
Behavior of Exceeding Modules
The exceeding modules will not be replaced. |
The exceeding modules will always be replaced by the selected filling element.
The exceeding modules will be replaced in the raster-shape only at shape edges with edge color.
Filling Element for Removed Modules
- Select the path of the desired module.
- Select the module of this path.
Only select modules of size 1x1
With bigger modules you will get a warning.
Only the first stitch of the first row of the module will be inserted repeatedly.
The Fade-out Exceeding Modules function is no longer available in the context menu of the pattern layer.
Stepping Kind Preset Stepping
Up to now only available for Dimensioned Shape.
Now, in the Lined Shape as well.
- With a preset stepping, it is not always possible to reach any desired target point!
- If only even-numbered steps have been specified, no target point can be reached at an odd-numbered position.
Therefore, the line table contains the following information for a preset stepping:
1 |
Actual height and width of the line
2 |
Desired height and width of the line in total
3 |
Deviation of the calculated target point in height and width The deviation of the actually reached target point from the desired target point is displayed in red. |
4 |
Bind-off Step The width of the bind-off step is specified via the line properties. The total bind-off width is calculated and determined by the factor. |
5 |
Preset Stepping The preset stepping is specified by the user. |
6 |
Factor of the stepping The factor for each step is calculated so that the desired overall height and width of the line is achieved as precisely as possible. |
Deviating target point of a line
If the desired target point of a line is not reached in the lined shape, both points are displayed separately.
1 |
Desired Target Point |
2 |
Actually Achieved Target Point |
Line View
In addition to the stepping line, a dashed line appears.
- You can set preference points on the line and remove them via the context menu.
- Add Preference Point
- Delete Preference Point
- The stepping line adapts to this curve as closely as possible, according to the preset stepping.
- You can move the preference points as desired.
This means, you can form the line as desired according to the preset stepping.
Display of Line Dimensions
If one or more lines are selected in a lined shape, the following information about this selection is displayed.
- Coordinates of the start point
- Coordinates of the endpoint
- Absolute width and height
The start and endpoints correspond to the first and last points of the selected lines of the shape.
This information appears at the lower left of the views.
- Line Table
- Lined Shape Editor
- Lined Shape Layer
Function to Create Control Dimensions in Lined Shapes
Functions in the context menu of Basic Shape or Shape Element of a lined shape:
- Create Vertical Control Dimensions
- Creates vertical control dimensions for this shape element.
- Create Horizontal Control Dimensions
- Creates horizontal control dimensions for this shape element.
- Delete Control Dimensions
- Deletes all control dimensions.
Open Knitting Elements in a document window with different tabs
With the O key, you can open all knitting elements which are positioned at the current cursor position.
- All the Knitting Elements will appear in one single document window with different tabs.
- All the following Knitting Elements you will open with O key will appear in a different tab of the same document window.
Extensions of Pattern Element Editor
The external pattern element editor is extended with the following functions:
- Clipboard ribbon group is added to the Start ribbon.
- Create Color Arrangement: context menu is available on row selections of pattern elements.
- Create Pattern Element... context menu is available on selections within pattern elements.
- Pattern Elementstool window is available.
Pattern Elements are only allowed in the Design View
Up to now:
- You could copy a selection of the Processed Symbol View and add it to the Pattern Elements tool window.
- As the copy of a selection of the Processed Symbol View is not a pattern element, this selection cannot be pasted into the Pattern Elements tool window.
Reworked New Knitting Element Dialog Box
The selection at Type of Knitting Element of the New Knitting Element dialog box is restricted to following options:
- Structure Module
- Color Arrangement
- Module Arrangement
- Pattern Element
The New Knitting Element function is removed from the context menu of the Windows taskbar.
Team Depot in Knit Explorer
In the Knit Explorer, you can set up a shared folder on the local network or in the cloud to manage the knitting elements.
Different users can access this folder and thus use common knitting elements.
- Select a common folder in the Options / Project Settings / Storage Location dialog box:
- The Team Depot entry appears in the Knit Explorer.
- Save and Manage Knitting Elements Centrally Under this Path
- Add Subfolders
- Green checkmark: Folder is synchronized
- You can synchronize the Team Depot via the context menu of the folder.
Optimized Options for Equalize Racking Type within Stroke with Single-bed Knitting
In the Configuration dialog box / Optimizing tab, the Equalize Racking Type within Stroke with Single-bed Knitting option could previously only be activated or disabled.
New Options:
Do Not Equalize Racking
The racking of single-bed knitting rows will not be changed. -
Equalize Racking With the Same Take-down Values
In case of identical take-down values, the racking of transfer rows will be applied to a neighboring single-bed knitting row if this results in a shorter running time. -
Equalize Racking Even With Different Take-down Values
Even in case of different take-down values of both rows, the racking of transfer rows will be applied to the neighboring single-bed knitting row.
The take-down value of the knitting row will be applied to the transfer row.
Presentation of Pattern Rows in the Yarn Carrier View
You can switch the yarn carrier view to the technical row presentation or pattern row presentation.
- With it, you can recognize the motive in the pattern row presentation of the yarn carrier view.
- You can switch the display in the status bar at the bottom right.
Adjust the Needle Bed Distance of ADF Flex
Row by row, you can adjust the Needle Bed Distance as required by different knitting situation.
- New Needle Bed Distance tab of the Pattern Parameters dialog box
- Apply the entries of this tab via the Needle Bed Distance control column into the pattern.
- The adjustment values is carried out in the carriage return.
The first three entries are part of Needle Bed Distance tab by default. These cannot be deleted or edited.
Approximately the same distance as the standard machine. -
Approximately the same distance as the multi gauge machine. -
Approximately the same distance as the k&w machine.
New Pattern Report
You can open the Pattern Report dialog box in the View ribbon.
In this dialog box, you make all the settings to create the Pattern Report .
Select the patterns in the upper part of the dialog box.
- The report can be created after Technical Processing only.
You cannot select pattern which are not yet technically processed in this dialog box. - The patterns will be displayed the same way as in the Patterns tool window.
Select the desired data for the Pattern Report in the lower part of the dialog box.
- Select the Pattern Parameters .
- Specify for the selected Pattern Parameters to display the Statistics data as well.
Automatic Saving
Options dialog box / Data Backup section
Make the following settings in the Save Project Automatically section:
Save Project after Create Sintral
The total project will be saved after Technical Processing. -
Save Project after Create Sintral
The total project will be saved after Create Sintral.
Automatic Saving with Multiple Processing
Function of the Multiple Processing dialog box:
Save Project after Multiple Processing
The total project will be saved after each Multiple Processing despite the settings in the dialog box.
Canceling the Multiple Processing will prevent saving the project.
Working with Jacquard Symbols
Now, you can use Jacquard symbols within new pattern projects.
Settings for new projects in Options / Project Settings / MC Jacquard for New Projects
You can draw with Jacquard symbols into the following areas:
- Design View of the Pattern
- Pattern Element
- CA
Only in the searching row
Watch out following:
- The Jacquard symbols will appear below the status bar of the document windows.
- Jacquard symbols have to be converted to needle actions in the pattern by a CA.
If not, an error message appears with Expand or Technical Processing - Export a pattern as MC Jacquard.
Function of the context menu on the pattern in the Pattern tool window. - Import a MC Jacquard into a pattern project.
The function is available via File / Import -
Create MC Jacquard...
from selection.
The function is available in the context menu on the selection within the pattern.
New functions of the Knit Explorer
Following new functions available in the Start ribbon:
Imports the MC Jacquard (*.jac) as pattern element. |
Imports any desired folder tree.
Configuring the Fabric Take-down of Empty Rows
Settings in the Configuration dialog box / More Settings tab
Take-down in Empty Strokes
Empty rows are done with W0. -
Folgenden Wert verwenden
The take-down value of the following row will be used for the empty rows.
Multiple Selection of Yarn Carriers in the Yarn Carriers View
Enhanced options for commonly selected yarn carriers
Move Starts Horizontally
- Via the Replace Starts dialog box
- In the Pattern
- In the Lined Shape
- In the Dimensioned Shape
- Positive value of the edit box moves the start to the right.
Negative values to the left.
In the Pattern
Replace Start in Pattern... context menu / Replace Starts dialog box
In the Lined Shape
Shape Properties / Replace Starts dialog box
In the Dimensioned Shape
Properties of Fabric Piece / Replace Starts dialog box
New functions of the Text drawing tool
Font Size |
Enter the font size. |
Angle (degrees) |
Rotate the text by the specified angle. |
Max. Width |
Enter the maximum width of the text. |
Max. Height |
Enter the maximum height of the text. |
Preview |
Shows a thumbnail of the text according to specified settings. |
Create Pattern Element |
Creates a pattern element with the text and saves it to the Pattern Element tool window.
Enhanced Options for Protection Rows
Configuration dialog box / Knitting Ranges tab
New Options
New options for protection rows in Configuration / Knitting Ranges:
Using the pattern color of the last knitting row -
Use Colors From Module
The pattern color of the module is used in the protection rows.
New Modules
4 new modules for protection rows in the module database
- Safety rows with cast off, 1 YC, knitting ranges in sequence, YC from the left
- Both sides will be knit one after the other by the same yarn carrier.
- The protection rows starts on the left side.
- Safety rows with cast off, 1 YC, knitting ranges in sequence, YC from the right
- Both sides will be knit one after the other by the same yarn carrier.
- The protection rows starts on the right side.
- Safety rows with cast off, 1 YC pass over neckline
- Both sides will be knit by 1 yarn carrier.
- The neckline will be passed-over by 1x1.
- Safety rows with cast off, 2 YC
- The protection rows are knit by 2 yarn carrier.
- Notice:
For this,Use Colors From Module must be active.
Enhanced functions of Technical Processing and Create Sintral
Expanders are added to the Technical Processing and Create Sintral functions of the Start ribbon.
Select the desired function in the expander of technical processing:
- Technical Processing
- Technical Processing and Create Sintral
- Technical Processing, Create Sintral and Sintral Check
- Technical Processing, Create Sintral, Sintral Check and Extract
Select the desired function in the expander of Create Sintral:
- Generate Sintral
- Create Sintral and Sintral Check
- Create Sintral, Sintral Check and Extract
The selection of functions is displayed and retained under the icon. If you click the icon again, the last selection will be executed.
Default within Needle Area
Drawing in the needle area with Default does the following:
- All visible control column data except racking is set to default in the captured rows.
You can find the news of the previous releases in the CREATE Help (F1) help.