How to Determine the Options for the Current Shape

  • The dimensioned shape is open.
  • The measure unit Inch is required according to the order template.
  • Reference Unit of Stitch Density 1.0 inch x 1.0 inch required.
  • Display of the deviation of shape points in the dimensioning view greater than one stitch is required.
  • Selection of the narrowing, widening and fading-out default settings is required.
  1. Select the File ribbon on the top left.
  1. Call up the Configuration menu.
  1. Select the Inch option button under Measure Unit.
  1. Select the value 1.0 in the Reference Unit of Stitch Density Inch edit box.
  1. Keep the Hand-Knitting (Courses) check box deactivated.
  1. Go to the Deviation of Shape Points in the Dimensioning View group box.
  1. Select the Stitches option button under Measure Unit.
  1. Keep the value 1 for vertical as well as for horizontal under Show with deviation greater than:.
  1. Go to the Default Settings group box.
  1. Select the desired module in the Module list box under Narrowing.
  1. Select the desired value under Narrowing in the Width edit box.
  1. Select the desired option in the Look list box under Narrowing.
  1. Select the desired module in the Module list box of the Multi-step Narrowing group box.
  1. Activate the Narrowing or Widening After an Even Number of Rows check box under Stepping if necessary.
  1. Select the desired module in the Module list box under Widening.
  1. Select the desired value in the Width edit box under Widening.
  1. Select the desired module in the Module list box under Fading-out (for body and sleeve only).
  1. Select the desired value in the Width edit box under Fading-out (for body and sleeve only).
  1. Call up the Save function at the top left.
  • The selected settings are made for the current shape.
