How to Determine the Stitch Density

  • The order is analyzed
  1. Create a pattern for the swatch with corresponding settings.
    Basic knitting mode; stitch length and yarn quality
    Provide several areas with different stitch lengths in one pattern.
  1. Knit the swatch on the machine.
  1. Count the stitches directly after knitting.
  • Raw values without shrinkage
  1. Treat the swatch according to the planed finishing.
    Let it rest, steaming, washing, tensioning, etc.
  1. Count the stitches after the finishing.
  1. Create an overview of stitch densities and stitch lengths.
    Save the stitch lengths to a Setup file.
  • The difference of the values shows the shrinkage of the swatch by the finishing.

Before Finishing

After Finishing

Raw values without shrinkage

Values after shrinkage

Lower Stitch Density

Higher Stitch Density

Longer in Measure

Clothing Size

 Possible Following Steps:

Stitch Density