How to Determine the Stitch Density
- The order is analyzed
- Create a pattern for the swatch with corresponding settings.
Basic knitting mode; stitch length and yarn quality
Provide several areas with different stitch lengths in one pattern.
- Knit the swatch on the machine.
- Count the stitches directly after knitting.
- Raw values without shrinkage
- Treat the swatch according to the planed finishing.
Let it rest, steaming, washing, tensioning, etc.
- Count the stitches after the finishing.
- Create an overview of stitch densities and stitch lengths.
Save the stitch lengths to a Setup file.
- The difference of the values shows the shrinkage of the swatch by the finishing.
Before Finishing |
After Finishing |
Raw values without shrinkage |
Values after shrinkage |
Lower Stitch Density |
Higher Stitch Density |
Longer in Measure |
Clothing Size |