How to Read the Stepping Specifications
option of the dimensioning view shows the knitting specifications of the current shape.
- The specifications for steppings, markings, start and a summary will be generated automatically.
- Data of the selected line are highlighted.
- By the Basic Page Layout you can specify, wether or not the stepping specifications appear on the hard copy.
Stepping Specifications in the Dimensioning View
- From bottom to top
- Area of the start will not be regarded
- Line attributes are combined behind the bracket
- Data of the selected line are highlighted.
Stepping Specifications of a Shape Line
- Each line corresponds to a sub-row of the shape line from the line table
- Inverted order regarding the line table
- Above and underneath look of narrowing appears by the <_> and < > characters before the narrowing width
- \ 8 e.g. stands for a narrowing width of 8 stitches