How to Create Individual Sizes of a Stencil
Grading a size by percent:
- The order requires the M size additionally to the XS size.
- The size difference is specified by a percentage.
- The M starting size is completed.
- The Dimensions tool window is open.
- Open the context menu in the M column title of the Dimensions table.
- Select
- The Add New Size dialog box appears.
- Overwrite the indicated S size with XS in the Designation edit box.
- Describe the size in the Description edit box.
- Activate the Grading check box.
- Select the M* option in the Starting Size list box.
- Keep the Reduce button active.
- Select the Factor option button in the Resizing group box.
- For the gradings enter the percentage via the % edit box.
- Confirm with .
- An additional column for the XS size appears in the measure table with the display option activated.
With the activated icon the correction value columns appear additionally for the size XS.
- With the status icon activated both sizes appear in the dimensioning view.
Grading the size absolutely:
- The order requires the M size additionally to the XS size.
- Grading steps areas specified by difference values per dimension.
within the measure table shows the column of the absolute values.
- The M starting size is completed.
- The Dimensions tool window is open.
- Enter a absolute difference for each dimensioning in the Dif column of the Dimension table.
- Open the context menu in the M column title of the Dimensions table.
- Select
- The Add New Size dialog box appears.
- Overwrite the indicated S size with XS in the Designation edit box.
- Describe the size in the Description edit box.
- Activate the Grading check box.
- Select the M* option in the Starting Size list box.
- Keep the Reduce button active.
- In the Resizing group box select the Absolutely (difference from the table) option button.
- Confirm with .
- An additional column for the XS size appears in the measure table with the display option activated.
With the activated icon the correction value columns appear additionally for the size XS.
- With the status icon activated also the XS size appears in the dimensioning view.
After grading check and correct each size according to the order.
Additional Information