Stitch Density

Pixel Aspect Ratio of Photoshop

The basic pixel aspect ratio of Photoshop is set to square mode.

  • With knitting, measurements of stitches in a square ratio are very rare.
    According to the knitting technique, they are either stretched or compressed lengthwise. more likely
  • The stitch density setting takes this circumstance into account.

Determining Stitch Density

  1. Measure the stitch density by counting wales and rows of a test swatch.
    E.g. 10cm x 10cm or 4” x 4”
  1. Make sure that prior to counting all parameters influencing the final fabric are properly applied:
    Yarn quality and the right stith tension settings
    Treatments (as steaming, washing and …)
  1. Enter the counted values.
  • You can create your own stitch density library by saving them to the user presets list.
  1. Save your stitch density values as user preset.

You can set the measure units by the Settings in the fly-out menu.