How to Create New Formulas


  • The formulas describe the dependencies of the dimensions within a size.
  • The formulas determine dimensions that depend on direct or indirect dimensions and mathematical functions.

Create a new formula based on an existing dimension and a factor:

  • The dimension shall be three times another dimension.
    [Shoulder Drop] x 3
  1. Open the Dimensions tool window.
  1. Go to the Formula table.
  1. Open the context menu of the Row No. column.
  1. Select Add Main Row.
  • The Formula Editor appears.
  1. Enter the designation of the formula.
  1. Select a dimension in the list box.

    Shoulder Drop
  1. Click on the * button.
  1. Click on the 3 button.
  • The formula appears in the Calculation edit box.
    [Shoulder Drop]*3
  1. Confirm with .
  • The Formula Editor closes.

In case of errors in the formula you receive the corresponding error message.

  • A row with the formula is added at the bottom of the Formula table.
    The new formula is available for dimensionings in the shape.

Create new formula based on an existing formula and a fixed length measure:

  • A dimension is required that is 5 cm longer than the existing formula.
  1. Open the Dimensions tool window.
  1. Go to the Formula table.
  1. Open the context menu of the Row No. column.
  1. Select Add Main Row.
  • The Formula Editor appears.
  1. Enter the designation of the new formula.
  1. Select a formula in the list box.

The formulas (dependent dimensions) appear with letter ID at the end of the list.

  1. Click on the + button.
  1. Click on the 5 button.
  1. Click on the cm button.
  • The formula appears in the Calculation edit box.
  1. Confirm with .
  • The Formula Editor closes.
  • A row with the formula is added at the bottom of the Formula table.
    The new formula is available for dimensionings in the shape.

The length values are entered either in inches or in cm in the formula.

You can proceed also like this:

More Information:

 Formula Editor

 For what purpose do you use formulas?

 How to Enter Correction Values

 How to Create New Dimensions