How to Create a New Measure Graphically
- The dimensioned shape is open.
- Two marking points without dimensioning but at the desired distance
- The horizontal distance is to be fixed and added to the table
- Select the
--- FEHLENDER LINK --- drawing tool.
- Click the startpoint of the dimensioning.
- Drag the cursor to the target point of the dimensioning.
- Click the target point.
- The New Shape dialog box appears.
- Click the New Dimension option.
The distance of the points is displayed. (Here 10,0 cm)
The edit box for the designation of the new dimension gets active.
- Click the edit box for the designation.
- Enter designation for the dimension.
New Horizontal Dimensioning
- Confirm the input in the Dimensioning pop-up window with OK.
- A new line with the New Horizontal Dimensioning designation is added at the end of the Measure Table
- The new dimension is available for further dimensionings in the shape.
- The dimensioning arrow appears between the two points
- Clean up the table after completion:
Remove unused dimensions. - With the New Formula option you can create a new formula for the active dimensioning.
Possible Following Steps:
- How to Assign New Dimensionings
- How to Type-in the Measures of the Order
- How to Create Control Dimensionings
- How to Create New Dimensions
- How to Create New Formulas